I subscribe to just about every mainstream fitness magazine available.Why?
Well, when you have a career in health and fitness, you want to pay
attention to what is being talked about in the media, particularly what
topics are “hot” amongst other fitness “news” outlets.And
although most articles are full of misinformation, browsing through a
magazine generally gives me at least one idea of something to blog
about or write to you about in our newsletter.Well,
last night's browsing session was no different. As I sat here and
thumbed through the pages of a rather prominent women’s fitness
magazine, I come across this gem of a paragraph:“Several
studies have shown that people who regularly consume soy protein tend
to weigh less and have less abdominal fat than those who don’t. The
key compounds are the soy isoflavones: These estrogen-like substances
not only fight belly fat, but they also protect against the development
of breast cancer.”
we have an article crediting estrongen-like soy isoflavones for
decreased belly fat. Huh? Since when do estrogenic compounds decrease
belly fat? Since never, because they actually increase it Check It Out Here!, , and the isoflavones are the exact reason you shouldn’t be eating soy on a regular basis.And as far as soy protecting against breast cancer, it’s pretty well established that increased exposure to estrogen increases
the risk of breast cancer. And there are MANY studies showing that
genistein, the main isoflavone found in soybeans, stimulates the growth
of breast cancer cells and tumor growth.Here are just a few:
------- Zava
DT, Duwe G. Estrogenic and antiproliferative properties of genistein
and other flavonoids in human breast cancer cells in vitro. Nutr Cancer
1997; 27: 31-40.Hsieh
CY, Santell RC, Haslam SZ, Helferich WG. Estrogenic effects of
genistein on the growth of estrogen receptor- positive human breast
cancer (mcf-7) cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Res. 1998;58:
Allred CD, Allred KF, Ju YH, Virant SM., Helferich WG. Soy diets
containing varying amounts of genistein stimulate growth of
estrogen-dependent (mcf-7) tumors in a dose-dependent manner. Cancer
Res. 2001;61: 5045-5050.Petrakis
NL, Barnes S, King EB, Lowenstein J, Wiencke J, Lee MM., Miike R, Kirk
M, Coward L. Stimulatory influence of soy protein isolate on breast
secretion in pre- and postmenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
Prev. 1996;5: 785- 794.McMichael-Phillips
DF, Harding C, Morton M, Roberts SA, Howell A, Potten CS, Bundred NJ.
Effects of soy-protein supplementation on epithelial proliferation in
the histologically normal human breast. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998;68:
where did the author of this article get their information? I don’t
know, since there were no sources listed (surprise, surprise). You
must read between the lines to save your self from confusion arising
from misinformation. And that is the more reason why you must have a
choice of which blogs to read for well researched and refined health
and fitness information I
shared the article with my good friend and BioTrust Advisor Mike Geary,
and he immediately replied with “No wonder why so many people are
confused out there! So many bad sources of information.”And that’s incredibly true…and sad…because the misinformation really has crippled America’s health.Well,
fortunately, there’s guys like me, Joel, and Mike to help set the
record straight and help clear the cloud of misinformation that fogs up
the airwaves each and every day Check It Out Here!, .Make
no mistake, soy is one of the foods you should be AVOIDING if your goal
is decreased abdominal fat and increased health and longevity.
you want to learn more about other "hormone-killing" foods, along with
what foods you SHOULD be eating to balance your hormones and lose belly
fat,Check It Out Here!, and enjoy your stay.
More coming your way later.
Pls. check out my other blogs at your best time: www.buttmakeover4Elegantwomen.blospot.com ,www.pregnancysolution.blogspot.com
Bernard Chikere Gakwe
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