Monday, August 19, 2013


DO YOU KNOW THAT THESE Hidden Carcinogens in Bread, Cereal, Potato Chips, Fries, and More ARE HARMFUL?

You have probably heard conflicting
opinions out there in the nutrition world if breads, cereals, and other grain-based foods are good for you or not. On one hand, you've got the mega-powerful multi-billion dollar food companies that make huge profits off of cheap grain-based foods and they attempt to convince the public that breads, cereals, etc are "healthy"

.On the other hand, you've got the select camp of scientists, journalists, some nutritionists, etc that believe that humans are still adapted to eating more of a "Paleo" style of diet, which greatly limits grains of all types, since grains historically never comprised more than a tiny percentage of the human diet until just the most recent agricultural age, which allowed mass production of grains for the first time in human history.

But let's forget about the "whole grain is healthy" propaganda camp vs the Paleo style nutrition camp (which I lean towards mostly, except for weekly cheat meals... because let's face it, breads and cereals are tasty, and even if we weren't meant to consume large amounts overall, I know I still want my weekly cheat meals!) ... Instead, let's focus on one particular nail in the coffin for breads, cereals, and the biggest offender, fries and chips...

The Carcinogenic Acrylamides (there's good and bad news)
You may have heard about "Acrylamides" and that their possible negative health effects as a carcinogen, but maybe you were unsure which foods have the highest concentrations. Well, fried starchy foods are one of the worst offenders! Acrylamides are created mostly from starchy foods that have been subjected to a high temperature. That includes foods like potato chips, french fries, corn chips, cereals, bread, crackers, pretzels and more.

Basically any starchy carbohydrate cooked at a high temperature through any method of toasting, roasting, baking, or frying will contain higher levels of acrylamides. Acrylamides generally don't form if a food is cooked using water. It can also be found in toasted and roasted cereal grains and bread products -- again with the highest levels contained in those baked to a golden brown... so that brown crust on the bread actually contains the highest levels of this carcinogen.Check It Out Here!

And, sorry french fry lovers... the highest acrylamide levels have been measured in any type of fried potatoes. Potato chips and french fries fried to a golden brown contain the highest levels of nasty acrylamides.

How bad are Acrylamides?

Acrylamides in foods were discovered in 2002 by Swedish scientists, and made some big headlines (at least in America) when they were first reported. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really has not acknowledged the negative impact of cancer-causing acrylamides, and food manufacturers, so far, are not putting warning labels on their products concerning the levels of acrylamides, either.

Acrylamides are cancer-causing chemicals that are created when foods are grilled, fried, baked or roasted at fairly high temperatures. It is thought that an amino acid found in starchy foods, changes its form when heated to become acrylamide. High-temperature cooking methods, such as frying, baking, or broiling, have been found to produce the most acrylamides, while boiling and steaming produce far less.

Researchers in Europe and the United States have found acrylamides in certain foods that were heated to a temperature above 120 degrees Celsius (248 degrees Fahrenheit), but not in foods prepared below this temperature.

The World Health Organization, (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated that levels of acrylamides in certain foods pose a "major concern" and more research is needed to determine the dangers.Check It Out Here!

In one study, it was found that women who consumed 40 micrograms or more of acrylamides each day had twice the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer risk of women who ate foods with little or no acrylamides. 40 mcg is the amount of acrylamides in a small portion of potato chips.
Acrylamide levels in certain foods:
Potato chips - 546 micrograms/kg
French fries - 698 micrograms/kg
breakfast cereal - 131 micrograms/kg
coffee - 8.5 micrograms/kg.  You have all the information at your finger tips now.  It is up to you to apply it wisely.  Enjoy your reading and stay with us. Thanks.
Bernard Chikere Gakwe.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


3 substances that control your blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity (helping fat loss)

You probably already know that controlling your blood sugar response from the foods that you eat is a VERY important factor for controlling your ability to burn fat, balance your hormones, and also prevent diabetes.

Studies show that these 3 substances below help to control blood sugar response and/or insulin sensitivity when you take them with meals:

Blood-sugar controlling substance #1: Cocoa. 

It might sound surprising, but pure cocoa powder contains flavanols which are powerful antioxidants that can help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.

I recommend organic cocoa powder (pure, NOT with any added sugar), which you can add to smoothies or in other ways to help your body improve blood sugar control.  I like to add a heaping spoonful of organic cocoa powder to smoothies made with frozen berries and my favorite protein powder for a delicious blood-sugar controlling treat!Check It Out Here!

You can also make your own healthy hot cocoa drink at home by blending a couple spoonfuls of org cocoa powder with your milk of choice and some stevia to sweeten.  Then just heat on the stove by slowly stirring and in a few minutes you have a delicious healthy hot cocoa, low in sugar, high in fiber from the cocoa, and also high in antioxidants that can improve your insulin sensitivity.

Blood-sugar controlling substance #2: Green Tea

According to one study I've reviewed, animals given the green-tea based antioxidant, EGCG, had a 50% lower blood sugar after eating starch than the animals that didn't get the EGCG but ate the same amount of starch.

This aligns with other studies we've seen over the years that green tea and oolong tea can help to control the blood sugar response from a meal due to their unique antioxidants.

So if you're eating a meal that contains carbohydrates, you can protect yourself from the blood sugar spike with a cup or two of green tea along with the meal.

Also I will show you a tea combination that boosts the antioxidant power in your tea dramatically!Check It Out Here!

Blood-sugar controlling substance #3: Apple Cider Vinegar

It's been found that taking apple cider vinegar with a meal can slow the digestion of carbohydrates in that meal and slow the rate of absorption of sugar into the blood.

However, mixing apple cider vinegar into water isn't an enjoyable drink in my opinion, so what I personally like to do is have apple cider vinegar mixed with olive oil on my daily salad each night with dinner.

Keep in mind that my good friend Tim Ferriss did tons of blood sugar experiments and found that white vinegar and balsamic vinegar didn't have any blood sugar controlling benefits in his tests.  This article below explains about the vinegar tests, but also shows you 2 other substances that Tim's tests shows DID control blood sugar response:Check It Out Here!

These 2 other substances DID control blood sugar response from meals (not talked about above)

5 Powerful herbal ingredients that also control blood sugar:

We talk about details later, but what are the herbal ingredients?
This is a supplement that I personally take which is a mixture of 5 powerful herbal ingredients that all have loads of scientific studies showing that they control blood sugar and/or increase insulin sensitivity, thereby helping to balance your hormones (keep a healthy blood sugar and insulin balance) when you eat carbohydrates:

IC5 - a mix of 5 powerful blood-sugar controlling herbal ingredients.  And many more!
Kindly find time to visit my other blogs

I'll be back soon with more Lean-Body Secrets.  Till then . 
Enjoy your stay.
Bernard Chikere Gakwe.

Friday, August 16, 2013


This soap and shampoo CAUSES weight gain and wrinkles (3 things)

You've probably been hearing reports in the news about some of the possible health problems that can be caused by some of the nasty chemicals in your soaps and shampoos.  Some of the chemicals have even been shown to disrupt your hormones, cause faster aging of your skin, and even cause weight gain due to the hormonal disruption.

You NEED to know what to look out forCheck It Out Here! so you can avoid these harmful chemicals! 

This soap and shampoo CAUSES weight gain and wrinkles (3 things to watch out for!)

Look 5 Years Younger
In Minutes &

3 Reasons Why These Shampoos, Soaps, And Skin Creams Cause Wrinkles, Weight Gain, And Excess Cellulite
By a  specialist Natural Beauty Consultant

This is a fact: Certain soaps, shampoos, and skin care creams you and your family are using (found in grocery or beauty stores) contain several toxic chemicals that age you faster, and cause wrinkles to form on your face, especially around your mouth and eyes.

This is a fact: The majority of these soaps, shampoos, and skin care creams contain hormone manipulators. These hormone ‘breakers’ mess with your normal endocrine system, and the unfortunate side effect is increased weight gain and cellulite formation.
Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration is well aware of these facts - yet due to the multi-billion dollar beauty industry’s special interest monies, do absolutely nothing about it?Check It Out Here!

However, there is some really good news: there are natural, inexpensive alternatives to these age-inducing, hormone-disrupting soaps, eye creams, anti-wrinkle solutions, shampoos, conditioners, and masks. In fact, many of these alternatives can be discovered right in your own kitchen.

That’s right - you can reverse the damage done by these chemicals by using simple mixtures of fruits, a $.30 protein food, and some other goodies. I’ll reveal specifics on the next page. For now, you absolutely must be made aware of these “Beauty Enemies.”
Beauty Enemy #1: Parabens
Parabens are preservatives used in most store-bought cleansing and beauty products. Parabens are also estrogen mimickers. This means that these toxins act to increase the production estrogen in your body.

Over a dozen university studies have linked these parabens to breast cancer, increased body weight in the form of belly and thigh fat, and accelerated aging, specifically women between the ages of 22 and 67Check It Out Here!
You can either purchase expensive paraben - free soaps, shampoos, creams, conditioners and detergents, or you can use my home-made remedies that work very well and are affordable by any measure.

Whatever you do, avoid these nasty beauty destroyers.

Beauty Enemy #2:


Nanos may sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but for your skin, they are scarier than a horror movie. Nanos cause a normal skin cell growth to break down, which results in early wrinkling, and deepening the wrinkles you already have.
Here’s the shocking part: nanos are usually found in anti-aging skin lotions. It’s scary that the creams we ladies are using to look younger can actually make us look older! Nanos are also found in the majority of sunscreen lotions, so beware.

One of my really simple “look like you’re aging backwards” home-based remedy involves mixing strawberries, egg whites, and orange extract into a blender. Put this on your face for just 10 minutes, and you’ll have noticeably smoother skin—and it costs you a few pennies to do.

Beauty Enemy #3: 

Synthetic Fragrances

Often labeled “fragrance”, due to the fact that it sounds harmless, synthetic fragrances are anything but harmless.

Here’s what you need to do: Look for the term phthalate-free on the label. That is the only way you can be sure that the synthetic fragrances in soaps, shampoos, skin creams, and laundry detergent is safe.

WARNING: Phthalates are a friend to cellulite and body fat. They cause your normal hormonal system to be disrupted. Your estrogen and progesterone balance is disturbed, and you will end up moody, with increased food cravings (that lead to weight gain) and increased cellulite on your lower body.

As a natural beauty consultant, I help women of all ages discover solutions that are visible and long lastingCheck It Out Here! Solutions that many ancient cultures have used for thousands of years. Solutions that this multi-billion dollar skin care industry does not want you to know about.

I’ll share some really good news with you. You’ll discover how to...
  • Experience The $.50 “Botox” Alternative (It’s In Your Refrigerator);
  • Turn Back The Clock On Your Face Using A Mixture Of Foods You Would Normally Eat For A Snack;
  • An Old-Fashioned Hair Treatment That Creates More Silk And Shine Than Any Paraben-Rich Expensive Conditioner There Is;
  • A Little Beauty Handbook From A Persian Princess;
  • And Much, Much More... when next we talk.

If this article provides meaningful information to you, please share it with your friends
A moment please! I have these other blogs you can visit at your comfortable time.
 Enjoy your reading and stay with us!
 Bernard Chikere Gakwe