Thursday, June 27, 2013



The HOOD does not make the MONK is a popular saying.  In this article you will learn how to read product labels to your advantage as most labels look very odd but the product is good for consumption. 

As you've read in several of my past newsletters, you want to be on the lookout for hidden ingredients in your foods such as MSG or trans fats that can be causing weight gain or other health problems.

However, I've noticed that sometimes people think that just because a label contains an odd-sounding ingredient, that it must be harmful.  This is NOT always the case.  Check out these examples of artificial-sounding ingredients that are actually natural, and even healthful...

3 Odd-Sounding ingredients that are actually okay:

1.  Xanthan Gum -- Despite the artificial-sounding name, this is actually naturally produced from fermentation of a type of bacterium called Xanthomonas campestris, and acts as a type of soluble fiber in our digestion.  Xanthan gum is used as a type of thickener or gel agent in various types of foods and is basically harmless, while adding just a slight fiber boost to certain foods Check It Out Here
According to my friend and colleague Kelley Herring, author of the delicious Guilt-Free Desserts book, "xanthan gum and guar gum also add soluble fiber which helps balance blood sugar and lower bad cholesterol".

2.  Alginate -- This is another artificial-sounding ingredient you'll sometimes see on labels that's actually natural and even healthful.  It's derived naturally from seaweed and serves as a thickener in certain types of foods.  Alginate has been linked to improving cholesterol levels and possibly even helping to control appetite.  This is yet another odd-sounding ingredient not to worry about.

3.  Canthaxanthin -- you might have already heard of the health benefits of astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant in krill oil that protects your skin along with other health benefits.  Well, Canthaxanthin is similar in that it has antioxidant benefits similar to other carotenoids.

Canthaxanthin is simply just a natural coloring added to certain types of foods, despite the artificial-sounding odd name.  Again, nothing to worry about with this additive either Check It Out Here

On the other hand, there are PLENTY of additives that might actually sound natural, but are actually potentially carcinogenic and harmful to your body...

My colleague, and fellow nutrition investigator, Nick, shows you some sneaky and harmful ingredients to watch out for in this article:

If you're a health conscious individual, you likely cringe at even the mention of fast food.

McDonald's.  Burger King.  Wendy's.

We all know that fast food for the most part is REALLY bad news, so if you're going to go "out to eat", whatever you do, don't eat fast food.  Instead, try a nice sit-down restaurant in which an independent study recently determined that when compared to the golden arches and king of burgers, those who choose sit-down restaurants wind up eating TWICE as many calories than those that choose fast food.


Eye-opener:  What appears to be healthy at a restaurant, very likely aint healthy Check It Out Here

The reality is that sit down restaurant meals, due to their exceptionally large portions and often irresponsible preparation methods (with respect to calorie content) give very little regard to health and weight management.  Restaurants want you to LOVE the food, be satisfied, and come back.  For the most part, with few exceptions, that's their number one goal...and it comes at the expense of your health and that oh so lovely figure you're trying to obtain and maintain.

Does that mean you should never eat out?  No, we eat out all the time.  But you have to be aware of what goes down, and YOU have to be the one in control of the meal.  Here are some tips:

1.  When you order, ask the server to have half of your entree bagged up to go and half brought out to you.  Instant 50% reduction in calories!

Chances are, you'll be just as satisfied with 1/2 the normal portion, but when the whole thing is on your plate in front of you, you'll always eat more just because it's there.

2.  Give VERY specific instructions on how you want your food prepared.  For example, order your meat grilled with absolutely no sauces, butter, etc.  Skip the "pre-made" salad dressings and request olive oil and vinegar instead.  Ask how things are prepared -- it's your server's job to answer your questions and you're paying them to be an expert and deliver to you exactly what you want.  If you don't want a boatload of hidden calories, make sure you don't get them by speaking up and clarifying what you want.

Implement those 2 tips and you'll avoid 75% of the calories in a typical restaurant entree Check It Out Here
Wait a moment.  You may wish to read about other products that give beauty to the body or what to do to look cute.  Then check out my other blog at

Thank you for taking the time to read this article


Enjoy your reading.
Bernard Chikere Gakwe.

Monday, June 24, 2013


REAL nutrition for a healthy lean body Innovative tips and tricks to help you get flat abs, lose body fat, fight aging & live a healthier life. I'll even cover controversial topics that mainstream health "experts" don't understand about nutrition...the TRUTH about cholesterol & saturated fat, carbs, protein, and even superfoods you may have never heard of!

This chemical turns men into "girly men" - BPA If there's one message I try to keep hammering home in this newsletter, it is the danger present in some of the harmful chemicals that we are exposed to in our food supply, our cleaning supplies, our environment, as well as lotions, shampoos, etc. As you know, one topic I talk about often is how we are being bombarded by chemicals known as "xenoestrogens" in our new modern chemical-laden world, and the harm to BOTH men and women with these chemicalsCheck It Out Here! Read this new article to protect yourself from this potential harm.
 This chemical turns men into "girly men" (how much exposure are you getting?) This question according to Mike Geary a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Trainer is begging for answer As you can see in that article, we are exposed to this chemical in some weird places, including that shiny paper receipt that you get from almost any store when it touches your skin, or touches your food (yes, even common receipts are one of your exposure points).

 Also, if you read this article, you can find out how you are exposed to this harmful chemical in canned tomatoes as well as bottled drinks. You NEED to know what to watch out for to protect yourself from these harmful "xenoestrogens". And although we should always do our best to avoid exposure to BPA and other xenoestrogens, some exposure is going to happen anyway, as these chemicals are all around us. There is a specific class of vegetables that can help fight against xenoestrogens and belly fat Check It Out Here!

 Please share this page with any of your friends, family, or co-workers to help protect their health too. I wrote in most of my blogs my promise to serve you well researched health tips that will enrich your life over time. So, we continue with BPA as we listen to another expert on nutrition about the effects of this chemical on your reproductive system. Exposure To This Can Harm Men AND Women.  In one of the articles i presented in my blog, the issue of BPA – chemical damage in female was discussed and now it has been confirmed that the problem is unisex. This is a threat to a growing population and would be parents will have to carry out series of checkups to ensure that the men are active and capable of doing what is expected of them to do. In summary, this experts Kevin Didonato Ms, CSCS, CES writes about BPA chemical as it affects the male sperm count .

Now read the whole report: There is a NEW reason to be worried Check It Out Here!

 Gentlemen, there are chemicals which may be harmful to your sperm. In fact, these chemicals are SPERM KILLERS. And ladies, this means if you and your spouse (would be parents) are attempting to have a child and become pregnant, then you may be striking out every time.

Health organizations around the world want to ban this chemical in products. Do you hear that? All because of adverse health concerns it poses in animal models and in humans as well. This chemical: BPA. And it is found in EVERYTHING!

 What Is BPA? BPA is a chemical commonly used in plastics, but is found in many other products we use every day. From daily health care products to canned food linings, BPA is a common chemical that was introduced as a way to maintain food and all its health-providing qualities from spoilage.

The problem: BPA may be linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. And this is a BIG problem! BPA In Women And Men Men, BPA exposure may dramatically LOWER testosterone levels and SPERM count. In fact, a study on Chinese factory workers exposed to high levels of BPA showed a decrease in sperm quality and sperm count. Exposure led to 3 times the risk of lower sperm concentration and vitality, and 4 times more likely to have decreased sperm counts Canada wants to (or already has) labeled BPA as toxic.

 Research by the Canadian Health Ministry showed that 91% of Canadians had increased urinary concentrations of BPA, and levels were HIGHER in children between the ages of 6 and 11. Women, not only can BPA interfere with your man’s testosterone and sperm count, but it also may be dangerous for YOU and YOUR health. BPA may be linked to polycystic ovary syndrome, which is associated with lower chance of getting pregnant due to increased testosterone levels. Polycystic ovary syndrome may make it even harder to get pregnant.

 Although there is a better approach to getting pregnant using natural and holistic method Researchers showed a significant increase in BPA in the urine of women with polycystic ovary syndrome. More research is warranted and the exact reason why BPA is higher is unclear.

 Sources Of BPA So where exactly can you find BPA? Canned Foods Canning has been used for hundreds of years as a way to keep food fresh while retaining the nutrition. However, industry has changed and BPA was introduced as a way to line canned foods which preserved foods better. It may be shown that BPA may leak into the food, resulting in increased levels of BPA in humans. Cash Money And Receipts

 There may even be exposure to BPA when you handle a receipt after you purchase your canned goods. Thermal paper, which is common paper used for cash receipts was found to have increased levels of BPA. BPA can be transferred from the paper to your fingers then to anything else you TOUCH.
When BPA makes its way into your body, it acts as an endocrine blocker.Check It Out Here! BPA binds to receptor sites on your cells, resulting in INCREASED estrogen levels. In men, BPA blocks normal cholesterol synthesis in the liver, which may inhibit testosterone and sperm production. Stop The Sperm Killers, no matter where you turn, there seems to be something which can kill your sperm.
 BPA is one such chemical which can kill sperm cells and decrease your testosterone levels at the same time! BPA is found in everything and further research needs to be done to determine how harmful the chemical BPA is.

 BPA exposure may not only lead to decreased testosterone levels and sperm count, but also in polycystic ovary syndrome. Combating the effects of low testosterone may increase sperm production and mobility.

 Thanks for taking your time to read this piece of health information.

 Enjoy your reading and stay with us.
Bernard Chikere Gakwe

Thursday, June 13, 2013



Beware of this pork, milk, bread, and honey (how to stay safe)

You may not realize this, but a lot of food ingredients that are BANNED in many countries may be ending up in your grocery cart... foods that contain hidden toxic chemicals that increase your risks of cancer, various diseases, and storing belly fat.

Read the article below for the controversial story about what's in your foods...

The top 5 BANNED ingredients you might be eating

Every day, people eat tons of dangerous banned ingredients, and chances are you’re one of them.

I don’t mean to scare you, but to simply tell you the truth.

I’ve spent the last 7+ years researching how our food is made, and discovered dark secrets I have to tell the world – even if it makes me the most HATED author by the big food companies.

Here are 5 banned ingredients that might be ending up on your plate:

1) Ractopamine (in pork)

It’s banned in the European Union, China, and Taiwan – but Consumer Reports found this dangerous drug in 20% of all pork products.

Oh, and as a side note – recent studies also found that 81% of all supermarket meats in the US are contaminated with antibiotics which damage your gut flora and slow down your weight loss.  That's one reason to choose pasture-raised organic meats if you can find them.

2) rBGH (in milk)

While Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and all European Union countries banned the use of rBGH, this hormone used to increase cows’ milk production is still used in all 50 states.

The use of rBGH increases the levels of IGF-1 hormone in the milk by at least 6 fold, increasing risks of various cancers.

3) GMOs (in most processed foods)

Over 50 countries require labeling of GMO foods, and many of them banned GMOs altogether.

In the US, GMO foods are NOT labeled – even though 91% of the population feels they should be.  And because 85-90% of all soy, corn, canola and sugar (sugar beet) in the US is now GMO, Americans eat their weight in GMO foods each year.

The first-ever lifetime feeding study on the potential health risks of GMOs was published in September 2012. The results of feeding rats GMO corn for two years were very scary:

 · Some rats developed massive tumors that represent 25% of their body weight

 · Liver damage was up to 5 times higher in the GMO group than in the non-GMO group

 · Female rats that ate GMOs had a 3X higher risk of premature death

4) Potassium Bromate (in bread)

Called a cancer threat by the CSPI since 1999, banned from dozens of countries, this ingredient is still used in bread these days.  If you've been following Mike Geary's recommendations to reduce or eliminate bread and other grains in your diet, you're safe from this one.

5) Chloramphenicol (in honey)

This antibiotic used on honey bees has been banned in the US for years, but can still be found in cheap supermarket honey (along with heavy metals) that comes from China.

The concerning thing is that a recent study found that 75% or more of all the honey in the U.S.China could be mixed with cheaper sweeteners such as corn syrup.

Choose local honey or raw honey if you can find it to avoid these issues.

These 5 banned foods are just the tip of the iceberg in what food companies are HIDING from you...

Let's continue the rest of the article on the next page below,just Check it out Here for more relevant information.
may be Chinese honey sold as American honey.  In addition, some reports have shown that honey from

3 Simple Steps That Transform Your Kitchen From Fat STORING Foods To Fat BURNING Foods In LESS Than 24 Hours...

Picture the foods that are in your fridge at this very moment.
Did you know that almost every single one of these foods contain “hidden” fat-storing ingredients that can slow down your metabolism, sap your energy, and block your fat burning potential by a whopping 82% – even the ones you think are “healthy”?
Did you know that there’s a super simple way to rid your life of these “fattening” foods and SWAP them with delicious foods that BOOST your metabolism and dramatically accelerate your fat loss?  More facts?  Check it out Here
In fact, once you uncover the so-called "healthy" foods inside your kitchen that STOP your body from burning fat, you'll instantly be able to create your own fat burning kitchen loaded with foods that will automatically make stubborn belly fat your body's daily "go-to" energy source.
All you have to do is to read through the short article below and you’ll discover the easiest way to transform your kitchen and FIX your slow fat-loss – and you’ll do it in LESS than 24 hours.  It is all a practical thing lets do it .

This isn’t another quick fix or diet scam where you’ll end up being sold some miracle weight loss pills. It doesn’t require you to buy expensive organic foods or shady supplements. In fact, this information is CRITICAL for everyone to understand – even those who shop at health food stores and farmers’ markets all the time.
It doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, or anything in-between...or what your current goals are. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have OR how good you think your diet already is. If you eat food, this information will revolutionize your nutrition plan AND help you burn more stubborn fat.
 A Nutrition Nerd with 7+ years of relentlessly researching, reading articles, and analyzing studies to master knowledge on nutrition and the unique power of fat burning foods has carefully prepared what you are reading now for people to know what is in the food they eat.
I’ve uncovered many things and that will expose the hundreds of dirty little tricks the big food industry, the diet industry, and even Governments try to hide from you because they don’t want you to know the real truth. These dirty little food tricks age you faster, block your body’s ability to burn fat and prevent you from feeling great****Check it out here
Even though all the “bad guys” hate me for being honest, I’m on a mission. And now dozens of renowned fitness experts, nutritionists and fat loss coaches from all around the world endorse my work.
Just read the short article below and you’ll uncover a few of the most shocking discoveries I made so you can STOP being scammed into buying the wrong fat storing ingredients.
But I do have to warn you. What you’re about to read is often considered highly controversial and goes against the grain of the mainstream diet and nutrition industry.
In fact, you’ll see how these little-known truths are the exact opposite of what you’ll hear from your local dietician, your family doctor, and almost all old school nutritionists and personal trainers.
So if you’re ready to uncover the REAL truth about fat burning foods and you’d like to burn 82% more fat every single day, with just a few small tweaks in the foods you eat, then keep reading.
But if you still believe everything you hear in the media is true and you can’t accept the fact that you’ve probably been force fed dozens and dozens of food lies, then this article is definitely not for you.
However, if you choose to continue reading you’ll finally discover ALL the “healthy” foods that are making you store more belly fat – WITHOUT you even knowing it.

These 3 reasons reveal what you MUST STOP doing the next time you shop for "healthy" food because it's DAMAGING your metabolism… and EXACTLY how you can "transform" your diet to quickly burn off belly fat – in 24 hours or LESS.

Just follow the 3 simple steps below and you’ll discover which foods can “shut off” your cravings and “turn on” your body’s fat-burning switch with each and every bite making it IMPOSSIBLE for you NOT to burn MORE stubborn belly fat.
Below, you’ll find all 3 steps, and you’ll also discover an easy and delicious way to “fix” your broken diet and KEEP your body in a consistent, fat burning environment 24 hours a day – all while eating MORE of your favorite foods.

Step #1: STOP Trusting Food Labels (They're NOT trustworthy)

Everyone believes reading labels is a good way to determine if a food is healthy or not – but that’s only partially true.
To make more money from uneducated consumers, most food manufacturers use dirty little tricks to hide dangerous and fattening ingredients in common foods that you eat everyday. And worst of all, these fake ingredients are specifically designed to make you ADDICTED to their stuff.  This is the truth and nothing but the truth! Check it out Here
One of many examples is “trans fats”. If you don’t know by now, this is one of the most dangerous foods in existence.
Eating just a tiny amount of this nasty ingredient can increase your risk of heart disease and promote accumulation of visceral fat – a dangerous kind of belly fat that’s almost impossible to get rid of.
Well, believe it or not, MANY of the foods that show “Zero Trans Fat” on the label actually contain a TON of it.
Thanks to the FDA, manufacturers are allowed to label ANY food, even so-called “healthy” ones, with less than .5g of trans fat per serving as “Trans Fat-Free”. Almost every manufacturer lowers their portion sizes on the labels to hide their claims on their products while filling them with this dangerous and fattening ingredient.

Here’s a powerful, eye-opening example. When you eat just ONE handful of “Zero Trans Fat” crackers you poison your body with a couple grams of toxic, fat-storing trans fat – WITHOUT even being aware of it.
But wait. It gets even worse. There’s one common food in particular that’s probably in your pantry, right now, and it contains loads of trans fat that don’t appear ANYWHERE on the label.
That’s right. NOT on the ingredients list, NOT in the nutrition facts, and not even on your favorite Internet food database. Nowhere.
Very few people know this, but vegetable oil (made from fat-storing corn, soybeans or canola) has to go through an extreme 5-step processing method before it ends up on your supermarket shelves.
This high pressure, high temperature process destroys all the “heart-friendly” fats originally contained in the oil and transforms it into dangerous trans fats.
According to a shocking study by the University of Florida at Gainesville, your vegetable oil can contain up to 4.6% hidden trans fat that’s not on the label. Kind of scary, I know.
But there’s a super easy way to avoid these hidden and dangerous fats. You can read all about it on the next page.

Step #2: STOP Avoiding Saturated Fats (You've been lied to)

The media, doctors and the big food industry spend millions of dollars every year trying to convince all of us that red meat is “fattening” and why you should avoid it if you want to lose belly fat. After all, it does contain a lot of dangerous saturated fats – right?
Don’t fall for it. It’s just another nutrition myth that prevents you from eating some of the BEST fat burning foods on the planet.
In fact, the RIGHT kind of saturated fat is actually good for you and can even help you lose belly fat. Recent studies actually prove that saturated fat REDUCES your risk of heart disease and supports weight loss. (Reference: Ann Intern Med. 2005 Mar 15;142(6):403-11) 

That’s because “healthy” saturated fat sources like grass-fed beef and pasture-raised eggs contain a natural fat burner called CLA – plus a ton of other essential nutrients that can BOOST your metabolism and accelerate your fat burning.
But if you continue listening to all the nonsense and false information everybody tells you about this “friendly” fat-burning fat, you’ll be missing out on one of the most powerful fat-burning foods you could ever eat.
You’ll learn exactly what kind of fats you can eat to burn MORE fat using the system on the next page.  Check it out Here

Step #3: STOP Using Fake "Health" Foods (They're in your kitchen right now)

If the first two reasons didn’t surprise you, this one surely will.
Thanks to the relentless greed of most food manufacturers, that obviously could care less about your health, some of the healthiest foods in your kitchen may be fake. 
Sorry!  Before I show you my proof, I must tender apology for presenting this long piece of writing contrary to my promise to always make it short and to the point.  But because I could not help keeping some of my findings till next week.
Here's proof.
In 2010, Consumer Reports – one of the most credible non-profit organizations fighting for consumer rights in the US – revealed that around 20% of ALL olive oils are fake and have been mixed with other cheap oils, while still claiming they are 100% pure.
This food hoax was uncovered once again in 2012, when the UC Davis Olive Center found out that only 27% of all olive oils passed the quality test to be labeled “extra virgin” – the best and most nutritious kind of olive oil there is.
So the olive oil you have in your kitchen RIGHT NOW might contain up to 100% vegetable oil, even though the label “says” it’s healthy. And don’t forget, vegetable oils are LOADED with dangerous, fat-storing trans-fat.
You can go ahead and TRY to find a manufacturer who actually cares and delivers a legitimate olive oil to support your weight loss goals, but it’s a crapshoot.
Or you can my use my 10 second breakthrough method on the next page where you’ll discover the TRUTH about choosing the right olive oil and uncover whether or not your oil is really fake.

 These Food Truths May Be Hard To Swallow

If you’re still questioning whether or not everything I’ve revealed above is really accurate, or you’re not willing to accept the blatant lies the food industry has force fed you about fat burning foods, then The Truth About Fat Burning Foods system is simply NOT for you.
However, if you’d like to learn how this unique solution works, just click the “Next Page” button below and you’ll discover a simple system that will show you EXACTLY how to rid these fat-storing foods from your kitchen – and how you can quickly and easily swap them out with mouth-watering foods that accelerate your metabolism, help you conquer your cravings and FORCE belly fat to be your “go to” energy source on a daily, ongoing basis.
It’s proven, it’s efficient, and it’s one of the fastest ways to transform your kitchen from fat STORING foods, to fat BURNING foods in LESS than 24 hours.
And since 82% of your fat loss comes from nutrition, this is also one of the surest and easiest ways to get a flat, attractive belly and six pack abs fast, WITHOUT strict, complicated diets, long boring exercise sessions, OR having to buy outrageously expensive organic groceries.  This is the plain truth.
Thank you for making out time to read this piece of information but you will be glad you did.
Have a great day and stay with us.
Bernard Chikere Gakwe

Sunday, June 2, 2013


This drink fights cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure


This is yet another good piece on you and your  health and the way to control your blood presure
As you know, we constantly  research and try to pass on as many useful tidbits as we can to you... here are just a few helpful tips summarized from our findings.
Tidbit #1:  The "super antioxidant trifecta" drink protects you from disease...

You probably already know about some of the powerful health-protecting antioxidants that are found in green tea, white tea, oolong tea, and even traditional black tea.

But researchers in Portugal found that when both lemon and honey are added to teas it amplifies the antioxidant content of the teas in addition to adding their own unique antioxidants.  With this combination of all 3 antioxidant sources in one drink, you end up with an "antioxidant trifecta" that is even MORE powerful and synergistic for your health and disease prevention than just drinking tea alone Check It Out Here

Having several cups of varying types of teas per day (green, black, oolong, white, rooibos, etc) along with lemon and a little honey to amplify and produce a synergistic antioxidant effect in your body is proving to be powerful against chronic inflammation in your body and helping to prevent heart disease, cancer, and other terrible degenerative diseases that I'm sure you want to avoid.

Drink up!

Beware:  Many people use TOO MUCH honey in their tea by using a full tablespoon.  This is 16 grams of sugar and is way too much for one cup of tea which can add too much calories and blood sugar response.  I like to only use 1 teaspoon of honey in a full mug of tea, which only contains a mere 5 grams of sugar and 20 calories as opposed to the 16 grams of sugar and 65 calories in a Tablespoon of honey.

If you're not currently doing so, start protecting your body and make sure you're eating on a weekly basis all of my 101 superfoods that FIGHT the aging process in your body and can prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and more!Check It Out Here

Tidbit #2:  Sugar can make you look OLDER

If you've followed a lot of my articles, you know how evil sugar can be for your body... sugar has addictive properties, feeds tumors, causes diabetes, makes you fat, and even ages you faster.

A study summarized in the Journal of the American Aging Association showed that for every 0.18 gram increase in the subjects blood sugar level per liter of blood, this was associated with a 5 month increase in perceived age by a panel of independent assessors. 

For example, this means that a person with an average blood sugar level 1.8 grams per liter of blood higher than someone else ended up appearing over FOUR years older (50 months) than someone that had the lower blood sugar level on average.

The lesson here is what I've been talking about for years now... focus on keeping your blood sugar levels lower and controlled without large spikes.  This means focusing your meals on healthy fats, proteins, and fiber-rich veggies instead of the typical American meals that are loaded with starchy grains at almost every meal.  Eliminate grains and excess sugars and you'll control your blood sugar levels consistently, appear younger and age SLOWER!

Remember that there is a specific type of "complex carb" that's actually been proven to have even more significant blood sugar effects than table sugar.  This article shows you the type of carb that's even WORSE for blood sugar than pure table sugar.


Natural Remedy: The under listed articles are all yours for reading Check It Out Here

  5 power-foods that lower your blood pressure naturally (surprising BP fighters)

  3 Natural remedies that improve a man's performance in bed

  These 2 powerful spices help to REVERSE diabetes (interesting research)

  Surprising food that HEALS your heartburn issues


Mike Geary, a certified Nutrition specialist and trainer has made out time to
train you step by step on how to fight and control your abs Check It Out Here

Enjoy your stay.

Bernard Chikere Gakwe