Sunday, October 18, 2020


My 6-week Overeating Experiment -- Did I Gain Weight, Lose Weight, or Stay the Same? Written By A Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal TrainerAuthor: The Truth about 6-Pack Abs Ok, I decided to do something crazy recently... For the last six weeks, I used myself as a guinea pig and completed an overeating experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to see how much weight I would gain if I purposely tried to over-eat on a daily basis for six weeks straight. What do you think the results were? Did I get fat (after all, I gained 9 lbs on a 7-day cruise last year when my normal diet at home was replace with my cruise diet...although I subsequently lost that 9 lbs in only a week and a half after that cruise). Or maybe during this overeating experiment I stayed the same weight or even got leaner? My theory was that if you eat the right types of highly nutrient-dense foods and do not stray from those foods at all, that your body will automatically re-balance itself (your hormones, appetite levels, etc, etc)... and even though you are attempting to over-eat, as long as the nutrient-density of all of your meals is maximized, total calorie balance will inevitably end up at a level where I would not gain weight.Check It Out Here! This goes along with my theory that calorie counting is basically pointless as long as your nutrient density of your foods is so high that the body obtains all of the nutrition it needs and re-balances your appetite and hormones to account for this. Think of it this way... if you eat 1000 calories worth of soda, donuts, and cookies, your body needs to readjust hormone levels, increase your appetite and try to force you ingest more food to attempt to get more nutrients, since those 1000 calories were almost devoid of the nutrition your body needs. However, if you eat 1000 calories worth of healthy foods with high nutrient density such as avocados, whole eggs, nuts, vegetables, fruits, grass fed meats, and other healthy options, your body obtains most of the nutrition it needs and accounts for this by leveling your appetite and hormones in the time period following that meal (the remainder of the day perhaps). In this scenerio, your body is not forcing you to eat more food (via cravings) to obtain the nutrition it needs since it already received a boatload of nutrition. So, here were the details I had to adhere to in my little experiment: 1. I could NOT just eat any and all types of foods... I could overeat on as much food as I wanted, but ONLY the foods that are "approved" according to my rules... this means all foods had to be un-processed natural foods. No pasta, white rice, refined flour breads, or refined grain cereals were allowed. No trans fats, deep fried foods, or any other processed foods such as candies, cookies, cakes, etc were allowed in the overeating experiment... I was only allowed to overeat on healthy food. Some staples during my overeating phase were tons of whole eggs (yep, including the extremely healthy full-fat egg yolks), full-fat grass-fed raw cheese and yogurt, avocados, almonds, pecans, walnuts, lots of virgin coconut oil and olive oil, grass-fed butter, berries, lots of fruit and veggies, sprouted grain bread, raw almond butter, sweet potatoes, and lots of venison and grass-fed beef. 2. I was still training very intensely 3-4 days/week at the gym but nothing extremely different from my normal workouts (this means that my caloric expenditure from exercise was not drastically different than normal). So what was the end result after six weeks of trying to stuff my face with as much healthy food as possible? My body weight stayed EXACTLY the same! I didn't gain a single pound.Check It Out Here! I know the first reaction of many people is that I just must have a "fast metabolism" or something along those lines and that is why I did not gain weight. But that is false! The truth is that I have no problem at all gaining weight when I overeat on junk foods, or eat large amounts of processed foods in general. I can guarantee you that if I was overeating on pasta, white rice, cookies, white bread, donuts, and other processed foods during these last 6 weeks, I would have gained a massive amount of weight. In fact, as I have mentioned before, in the past I have easily gained as much as 10 pounds in only 1 week when I have been on some sort of vacation and simply eat the normal types of processed food that everyone else is eating. This proves that I am just as prone to gaining weight as anybody else.Check It Out Here! However, notice the stark contrast in my experiment with attempting to overeat on all healthy unprocessed foods... I simply could not gain weight because my body would be constantly re-adjusting the hormone levels and appetite levels to account for the super-high nutrient density of food I was eating. In the end, this meant that my body automatically maintained calorie balance without the need for calorie counting. This is the type of eating lifestyle that pretty much totally eliminates your cravings... Remember that I have said before that I do not think I have had any real cravings in at least five years (that is the time since I have been more strict on the type of foods I eat). I also think it is actually fun and more enjoyable to eat in such a healthy manner (for the skeptics that think this involves some sort of deprivation).Check It Out Here! I'll be back soon with another Lean-Body Secrets ezine issue. Till then,Don't be lazy... be lean and enjoy yourself. Bernard C Gakwe.


2 Common Foods in Your Diet That May be Making You Gain Weight and Get Sick CONFIRMED BY: A Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist Author of best-seller: The Truth about Six Pack Abs Of course, you've probably heard a million times now how bad trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are for your health... so I'm not going to give you that same old story. Instead, we need to look at a couple common foods that are probably in your diet in large quantities and may be causing major problems such as weight gain, headaches, sicknesses, indigestion, etc, etc... and those possible culprits are: Wheat and Dairy Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you that both of these staples need to be eliminated permanently from your diet... but read on to see an interesting test that may help you a great deal... In all of my years of personal training and nutrition counseling, if I had to choose a couple VERY simple dietary changes that have made the biggest difference for my clients in allowing them to FINALLY see fat loss results (and other health problems solved), it would be this following test: 1. Test removing all wheat products from your diet for 2 entire weeks, and take notice of how you feel, look, and your body composition. 2. Test removing all dairy from your diet for 2 entire weeks, and take notice of how you feel, look, and your body composition.Check It Out Here! The best way to do this is to eliminate them both for 2 full weeks, and then reintroduce one at a time so that you can determine if one of them or both wheat and dairy are causing negative health effects for you. Wheat and dairy are easily 2 of the biggest intolerances that a large percentage of the population has. Now this doesn't mean that I'm saying you have to entirely eliminate wheat and dairy for the rest of your life, but what I am saying is that this is an important test to do for about 2 weeks to gauge if you see some dramatic changes in your body fat percentage, how you look and feel overall, your energy levels, and other health issues. If you do the 2-week elimination of wheat and dairy and don't feel that it helped you at all or made you feel better, than you can probably do ok on moderate amounts of each. Most people do not realize this, but a large percentage of the population has at least some degree of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and several other grains. The biggest offender is wheat though, as it's in such a large percentage of the average western diet... from breads, to pastas, to bagels, to cakes, wraps, cereals, etc, etc. Most people don't have the extent of intolerance that a celiac has, but most people feel much better, improve all sorts of health problems, and also lose fat faster when they eliminate wheat from their diet. In fact, I just had a client last week tell me that when she eliminated wheat from her diet, her chronic headaches disappeared almost instantly... these are headaches she's been having for years, and after eliminating wheat from her diet, they are gone (along with some body fat that she lost too!). What about me? Do I still eat wheat? Well, what I do is try to only eat wheat on cheat days, which many times means when I'm out at restaurants or at parties, barbeques, etc. Since wheat is so integral in the typical western diet, it's almost impossible to avoid when eating out or at other people's houses. But I have virtually ZERO wheat products in my own house usually (with the exception of an occasional piece of sprouted grain bread once or twice a week). Anything is simple to avoid at least 90% of the time, when it doesn't even exist in your cabinets! Now with as anti-wheat as I am, I'm actually a big fan of dairy... However, ONLY if the dairy is raw milk or raw cheese and from grass-fed cows. Did you know that many people who "think" they are lactose intolerant actually can drink raw milk without a problem? This is because the live enzymes and friendly bacteria in raw milk aid in the digestion of the lactose and the proteins in milk. These enzymes and friendly bacteria are destroyed in pasteurized milk, which makes it more difficult to digest for many people.Check It Out Here!I know this is a controversial topic, so you need to obviously do your own research...but see the site below for some interesting info. If I can't get raw dairy, I choose to go dairy-free (with the exception of small amounts of yogurt). That's because I feel that the pasteurized, homogenized milk products are not suitable for long term consumption (but that's another story for another day). By the way, you can always search to see if raw milk co-ops or farms are available in your area on You'd be surprised at how many co-ops are available that deliver from rural areas to urban areas. It's important to make sure that the farm is reputable and certified (in some states) to produce raw milk. Most raw milk farms are the cleanest operations in the entire dairy industry. oh, and for the "germo-phobes" out there... I've been drinking gallons upon gallons of raw, full fat milk for about 6 years now (I drink about 1-2 gallons per week), and I've never once gotten sick from it, nor has anybody else that I know that's been drinking it long term... so to all of these so-called "experts" out there telling you that "there's a reason they pasteurize milk, because it's dangerous if not"... well, they obviously don't know what they're talking about. Plus, the full-fat milk certainly has not made me fatter either... I used to drink skim milk only for years, but now for the last 6 years, I've drank nothing but full fat raw milk, and I'm easily in the best shape of my life now and leaner than ever. People are more likely to get sick from pasteurized milk, because mass factory farms are generally dirtier operations with animals that are in poorer health than grass-fed raw milk farms.Check It Out Here! And don't forget the high levels of fat-burning, muscle building CLA in full-fat, raw, grass fed milk (and omega-3's)! Back from the tangent... I think this elimination of wheat and (pasteurized) dairy is one of the most important tests anyone can easily do to see if wheat and dairy are negatively affecting them. After all, it's only 2 weeks to test yourself! A couple quick things to note: 1. Eggs are NOT dairy... I'm not sure why so many people seem to think that eggs are a dairy product (maybe because they're in the same section at the grocery store?), but there is absolutely no dairy in eggs... eggs are basically meat if you want to categorize them. Regardless, eggs are practically a perfect food in terms of nutrition density. here's an entire article I did on whole eggs vs egg whites if you haven't seen it. 2. When trying to eliminate wheat, this usually means that almost ALL processed foods have to be eliminated because wheat components are in so many processed foods. Good luck with the test if you try it! Many people find it to be one of the best things they've done for their health. Please Do Not Go Away, I am not done yet. There is this other piece that I have for you A 30-Second Metabolism-Boosting Tip It's another interesting write-up that is very popular. Basically I did a 6-week experiment on myself and tried to overeat constantly... see what happened: 6-week Overeating Experiment: Did I gain massive weight, stay the same, or lose weight?Check It Out Here! Relax and enjoy your reading. Bernard C. Gakwe.


The Top 5 Foods that KILL Body Fat
A Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist Author of best-selling online program: The Truth about Six-Pack Abs, wrote this article Although this report was given to you as a free bonus for a purchase, you have permission to share this report with your friends and family by emailing it to them or sharing on facebook, etc. Share the gift of good health and fitness with your friends! . If you’re reading this report, then I know that you’re not only interested in losing abdominal fat and getting a leaner body, but you’re also interested in eating healthier and having more energy! That’s what this report is all about… let’s dig right in…Check it out Here!
I have 3 quick questions for you...
1. Did you know that so-called "whole grains", which you thought were healthy, might actually be making you GAIN more body fat, and make you sluggish? 2. Did you know that other foods marketed as "healthy" such as soymilk, soy protein, and other processed soy products contain specific concentrated compounds that can cause something in your body referred to as "stubborn belly fat"? 3. Are you aware that some foods that you might actually think are unhealthy, such as whole eggs can actually HELP your body to burn abdominal fat? And yes, that includes eating the yolks! Let me explain... In this report, I wanted to show you some shocking facts about some of the foods that you are already eating. Some of these foods are marketed to you as "health foods" but are actually silently making you gain extra stomach fat!Check it out Here! I'm also going to surprise you by showing you a couple foods that you probably thought were unhealthy, but can actually help you to burn off stubborn abdominal fat faster. I want to show you some valuable ways to lose stubborn body fat, and stop being fooled by the deceptive marketing of the giant food conglomerates, who want you to buy more of their cheap processed foods that are making you fatter, while they claim these foods are "healthy" for you. My name is Mike Geary, and I've been working as a nutrition researcher, author of 3 different fitness and nutrition books/programs (including the world-famous Truth about Six-Pack Abs program), personal trainer, and Certified Nutrition Specialist for over a decade now. In that time, I've discovered some MAJOR issues about the way that you're being deceived by big food companies, and how this is making you pack on more belly fat. So let's get right into a few examples of foods that are silently making you fat and also some surprising foods that can help you burn fat. The first one I'd like to warn you about is "whole grains". This includes whole grain bread, bagels, muffins, pasta, and more. Check it out Here! You probably already know that refined grains like white bread are bad for you... but I bet you think that “whole grains” are good for you and can help you to lose fat. Well, this could be a big mistake holding you back from a lean body and flat stomach. Trust me...I'm NOT going to preach to you about a low-carb/no-carb diet here... moderate carbs CAN be healthy, if you choose the right options... but that doesn't necessarily mean whole grains are the way to achieve that. Remember that grains are extremely cheap to grow and process compared to other crops, and this means BIG money for giant food conglomerates. Of course, this means that they have to deceive you with clever marketing to make their product seem "healthy" for you, and make you want to buy a LOT of it, thinking you are doing your body good. Enjoy your reading. Do please check out my other blog http://www.fatloss4overweight.blogspot,com/ Bernard C Gakwe


Overeating to burn fat faster?
(1) There's been a lot of questions and buzz going around this week regarding the CYWT Holiday edition 52%-off sale this week -- Below is an interview I did with Joel Marion to help answer some of the questions regarding strategic overeating to stimulate fat loss.Q&A - Strategic Overeating During the HolidaysMike: There's been a lot of buzz going around lately regarding your Cheat Your Way Thin program, but let's go back to the beginning. How did you come up with the whole Cheat Your Way Thin anyway?Joel: In 2003, a week full of dietary screw-ups actually got my fat loss wheels turning after several weeks of sitting in park. It was pretty crazy. I had two big "cheat" episodes with stuff like pasta, pizza, and ice cream and ultimately ended up losing more fat and weight that week than I had in the entire three weeks prior following a ridiculously strict dietary regimen.I knew there was something to it as I'd noticed this before. I'd always lose fat faster when allowing myself to indulge from time to time. At the time it made absolutely no sense to me, but I was curious. So I started researching what goes on in the body when we diet and what happens when we overeat. That was really how it all began.From there it's been a ton of additional research and constant revision of the program based on working with clients and exploring what happens in the real world. (My "perfected" approach, which is the program in the book, really is nothing like what I advocated initially back in '03.) The end result is an ideal blend of research, theory, and what actually happens in real life with real people.Check it out Here!Mike: Very interesting. So people just eat a large pizza and a bowl of ice cream and before they know it they'll have a flat stomach? It never quite worked that way for me...Joel: It would be nice, wouldn't it? But no, cheating itself, especially high frequency cheating (you know, when every day is a cheat day), isn't what's going to get you into phenomenal shape, but rather the strategic implementation of regular cheating into an ideal diet and exercise program that will, and that's essentially what I outline in the program.Mike: Okay, so how do you set up the rest of the days around the cheat days then?Joel: That's the most important part to making things work. The research has shown carbohydrate to be the macronutrient most highly correlated with leptin levels (the hormone that keeps us out of "starvation mode", so we manipulate carbs quite a bit in between cheat days.After a cheat day, when leptin levels are high, we can get away with a low-carb approach (and that will actually yield some really nice, quick fat loss), but we don't want to hang out there too long because our friend leptin gets upset and starts doing things to piss us off.So how do we keep him happy? By adding more carbs. And we strategically keep adding them, manipulating the macro breakdowns and types of carbs every couple days leading up to the next leptin-surging cheat day. By manipulating carbs this way, we play into leptin and can keep hormone levels elevated even when not cheating.Mike: And you said strategic exercise is an important part of the recipe, too?Joel: Yeah, high intensity interval training is big, especially right after a cheat day. Appropriately timed high intensity cardio can actually triple the effectiveness of the program.Mike: Although I'm right there with you on the use of strategic cheating, I really believe things like trans-fat and high fructose corn syrup should never be eaten, even on cheat days. Do your people have to eat things like donuts and French fries to get the leptin-boosting and fat burning effects?Joel: Absolutely not.The reason why things like french fries work extremely well is because they combine very high glycemic carbohydrates with fat. That combination right there breeds a massive surge of insulin, which believe it or not is exactly what we want to achieve on cheat days to reverse the negative physiological adaptations of dieting.Truth is, you don't need to eat anything that contains trans fats at all, and I generally recommend people avoid them as well. That still leaves a huge amount of possibilities, like a big Italian feast (lasagna, pasta, bread and butter, etc), pizza, and other "natural" treats that are created in an extremely processed manner.The key is following the rules of high carb/high fat/high calories — do that and you’ll be golden on Cheat Days.Mike: Okay, last question. You're actually in the middle of launching the "holiday edition" of the program along with some cool holiday bonuses that will tell people how to use each holiday as a cheat day and actually lose fat from now through January. And I know you are offering it for less than half price to celebrate the holiday season. How much longer to people have to grab it at the special pricing.Joel: This is the last full day to receive the program at the holiday discount pricing. People can access the discount page and all the holiday bonuses by visiting - Also keep in mind that the program begins with a Cheat Day, and the holiday bonuses revolve around starting on Thanksgiving with your regular feast.But, if they want learn how to turn that Thanksgiving meal into more fat loss, then my program will show them how to do that, along with every other holiday this year.Mike: Thanks Joel. Strategic overeating is actually something I've used for years to help stay lean and keep the metabolism fired up. I think you've got a great program here!Check it out Here! Enjoy your stay. P.S. Remember to check out my other blogs, Bernard C Gakwe.

2 FOODs That Reduce Blood Pressure

This Article Is Written By A Certified Nutrition Specialist:

I just read these 2 tips in Mens Health and figured I'd pass them along...1. According to Mens Health, in a Washington State University study, people who drank a daily shake with whey protein for 6 weeks lowered their blood pressure by about 8 points. Apparently whey protein may help to improve the function of blood vessel linings according to the study author.Of course, you probably already know some of the other muscle building and fat loss benefits of a quality whey protein too. I use whey protein in all of my post workout smoothies, and lately I've also been adding vanilla whey to my yogurt/berry/nut mixtures for an extra protein boost. FYI - my favorite whey protein that I've found is this grass fed raw protein which is one of the highest quality that I've been able to find.Check it out Here! Almost all whey proteins on the market are made from milk from factory farm cows that are crowded inside horrendous "milk factories" and fed mostly corn, both of which makes the cows sick. I've verified that the whey listed above is from truly grass-fed cows that spend their time outdoors eating grass, and not corn.Also, on the topic of lowering blood pressure... over the past year, I've been trying to help my mom with some natural remedies to help lower her elevated blood pressure. In my searching, I purchased several different manuals and books about blood pressure...However, the absolute best one that I read about six months ago was from a natural health author named Frank Mangano, and it's called blood pressure miracleThis manual had TONS of great tips and several dozen really interesting natural remedies for lowering blood pressure without dangerous drugs. It was by far the best blood pressure manual that I've read.2. The second study that I just read about in Mens Health shows how fish oil may help prevent pancreatic cancer.The study was from the International Journal of Cancer, and found that participants who took at least 850 mg of omega-3's per day reduced the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 53%. Although this study only talked about pancreatic cancer, I think we already know how powerful the EPA and DHA types of omega-3's in fish oil can be for so many aspects of our health besides just cancer risk.Warning: I've been reading more and more studies recently about many types of fish oil on the market that have gone rancid in the processing of that fish oil, or contain other contaminants in the fish oil.I'll be back soon with more Lean-Body Secrets.Check it out Here!,/A.

Enjoy your reading. Bernard C Gakwe


Studies Show 4 Proven Tricks to Eat Less Food by a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition SpecialistAuthor - The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

I found these 4 tricks (that are proven to help people eat less food and overall calories) while reading a fascinating book recently called 59 seconds by Richard Wiseman. I think you'll find these very helpful if you're looking to control your caloric intake and reduce your body fat. These tricks were tested in scientific studies and are quick and easy to implement. I thought these were VERY interesting...

Trick #1 to Eat Less -- Several studies prove that the size of the bowl, plate, or spoon that you use can directly influence how much food and calories you consume. Richard Wiseman, in the book 59 Seconds, talks about one study conducted where party guests were randomly given either 17 or 34-ounce bowls and 2 or 3 ounce spoons, and allowed to help themselves to ice cream. It was found that the party guests given the large spoons and large bowls had eaten 14% and 31% more ice cream respectively, than the people using the smaller spoons or smaller bowls. Interesting huh! Another study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania used a bowl of M&Ms that were left in the hallway of an apartment building. A sign next to the bowl told people to help themselves to the M&Ms. Some days a tablespoon sized scoop was used in the M&Ms and on other days, a larger scoop was used in the bowl. The researchers found that the larger scoop caused people to take TWICE the amount of M&Ms on average compared to the people that had used the smaller scoop.Check it out Here! I've also seen studies referenced in the past that showed that people who used larger plates consumed more calories than those using smaller plates. The lesson -- Use smaller plates, bowls, and silverware and you may inadvertently reduce your calorie intake. This also means saying NO to seconds and thirds! Trick #2 to Eat Less -- You've probably heard before that eating slower can help you to eat less because it gives time for the fullness signal to reach your brain and thereby shut off your appetite before you've eaten too much. However, this study below found a twist on this! According to Mr. Wiseman in the book 59 Seconds, a study at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center had overweight participants eat a meal at 3 different speeds: a) their normal rateb) half their normal ratec) their normal rate at first, followed by half their normal rate (normal-slow combo) The results were interesting... Eating at the slower rate caused the men to eat less, but not the women (that's weird!). However, the 3rd group that combined the normal pace at first with the slower rate after that caused both the men and women to have a large reduction in their appetite and eat less. The normal-slow combo was found to be more effective than just the slow-only group. Why? I have no idea, but those are interesting results! Mr Wiseman stated that the lesson here to eat less is "to start at your normal speed but then savor each and every mouthful". Trick #3 to Eat Less -- According to the book 59 Seconds, a series of experiments conducted in offices compared putting chocolates right on people's desks vs placing the chocolates six feet away. In another experiment, the chocolates were put inside either transparent or opaque jars. When the chocolates were placed on the person's desk instead of 6 feet away, people ate on average 6 more chocolates per day per person. Also, the chocolates in the transparent jars were eaten 46% more quickly than the opaque jars. Just shows... out of sight, out of mind! As you may already know, I recommend never even having junk food around your house at all...that way, you're never tempted by it and you're forced to only eat healthy foods... but then you can use your weekly cheat meals to eat junk food out at a restaurant. That way the junk food is never in your house to begin with! Trick #4 to Eat Less -- Studies have found that people eat significantly more when they are distracted by TV, movies, games, or other distractions. In one experiment mentioned in the book 59 Seconds, people who were more absorbed by a movie ate significantly larger amounts of popcorn compared to those that were paying less attention to the movie.Check it out Here! In another experiment, people who actively listened to a detective story during lunch (being distracted by the story), ate 15% more food than those who sat in silence during their lunch. The lesson -- ditch the TV and other distractions and focus on your food! Enjoy every bite of your food and you will naturally consume less calories while enjoying your food more. Interesting stuff in these 4 tricks huh! Feel free to share this blog with your Facebook friends or on your blogs/forums...

I will reach you soonest with more educative and entertaining proven facts . Continue to visit regularly for such stuff.

Enjoy your reading.You may please check out my other blogs

Bernard C Gakwe


My Take on Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Low Carbs, and all of the Carb BS by a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer With so much talk, confusion, and controversy in recent years about "carbs", I wanted to give you my take on good carbs vs bad carbs, low carb, and all the other "carb confusion" out there. I'll also show you one of my favorite healthy carbohydrate choices. First of all, although I'm not a "low carb" extremist, I do believe that one of the main reasons so many people struggle to ever lose any body fat is that they are overconsuming processed carbohydrates such as: cereals pasta rice bagels muffins breads (even whole grain varieties are not ideal if you're looking to lose body fat) sodas juices candies crackers It is extremely hard to lose body fat if you're overconsuming any of these types of carbohydrates (even if you workout very hard). In addition to causing wild blood sugar swings and insulin surges promoting direct body fat deposition, eating too many carbs also increases your appetite and cravings. Note that I didn't include potatoes in the list of processed carbohydrates. Despite the trash talking they get from many fitness professionals, I think wholepotatoes (not fries or chips) are anutrient-dense healthy food. Check it out Here! Even carbohydrate sources that most people think are "healthy" really are just excess calories that don't really deliver a whole lot of nutrient density... and many types of breads and cereals pretend to be "whole grain" with clever marketing while in reality the first ingredient in them is refined flour, which is just going to shoot your blood sugar through the roof. My take on it is that the majority of people struggling to lose body fat would do much better following these types of carb guidelines: 1. Reduce your grain-based carb products in the diet (cereal, pasta, rice, crackers, etc) and focus more of the diet on healthy grass-fed and/or free-range meats and eggs, grass-fed raw dairy, and TONS of vegetables and fruits. 2. Instead of the grains for most of the carbs, try getting most of your carbs from vegetables, sweet potatoes, and a variety of whole fruits and berries (NOT fruit juices, which remove the beneficial fiber as well as other essential parts of the fruit) 3. If you're going to get any grains at all, focus on the most nutrient dense and fibrous portions of the grain... the germ and bran... this means that the best parts are getting oat bran instead of oatmeal, and using rice bran and wheat germ (beware of gluten in wheat if you have any intolerance) by adding to your yogurt, cottage cheese, salads, soups, etc. This way you get all of the most beneficial nutritious parts of grains without all of the excess starches and calories. For best results with grains, try to stick only to sprouted grain products if you're going to eat any grains at all.Check it out Here! 4. To replace the void if you're used to consuming lots of bread, pasta, cereals, and other carb sources... try filling that void with more health fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, nut butters as well as healthy proteins such as raw grass-fed dairy and meats, whole free-range organic eggs, etc. Healthy fats and proteins go a long way to satisfying your appetite, controlling proper hormone and blood sugar levels, and helping you to make real progress on fat loss. With all of that said, here's one of my favorite carb sources that is high in fiber as well as tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants: Sweet potatoes or yams I always choose the orange varieties instead of the white varieties of sweet potatoes. One of the problems with sweet potatoes is the time it takes to bake a sweet potato for 1 to 1.5 hrs. I cook my sweet potatoes in a different way that only takes 5 minutes and they come out delicious... and no, I would NEVER use a microwave (I'll talk more about why never to use a microwave to cook your foods in a future newsletter). The easiest and quickest way I've found to cook up a sweet potato is to slice it up into thin slivers and put it into a pan that you can cover with a lid. I add a touch of butter, virgin coconut oil (beneficial medium chain triglycerides), and about 3-4 Tbsp of water and simmer with a covered lid for about 5 minutes. When the sweet potatoes are soft, then add a little cinnamon and maybe a touch of the natural sweetener stevia (if you want a little more sweet flavor) and you're all set with a delicious healthy carb side dish to go with any meat dish. Add a side salad and you've got the perfect lean-body meal plan.Check it out Here! Enjoy your stay: P.S. Do remember to check out my other blog Bernard C Gakwe